Thursday, January 3, 2013

First Ultrasound Showed....TWINS!!!

Well, the title really says it all!! We went in for our first ultrasound yesterday at 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant. After our loss in September, I have been so worried about this pregnancy. I was praying so hard to see a heartbeat this time around and we were surprised with TWO healthy heartbeats. It was one of the most amazing and utterly unexpected moments of my life. Both babies measured right on track at 6 weeks and 6 days. One heartbeat was at 133 and the other was at 146 which are both within the normal range for their gestational age.My doctors seemed really happy with everything and I don't go back for 4 weeks, just like a normal pregnancy.

Here are the pictures of my babies...I know that they're still pretty much tadpoles, but they seem so much more real now. Watching the ultrasound machine and hearing their heartbeats has profoundly changed me.

Right now we are a little overwhelmed, but every minute I become more attached to having two babies. We know that we aren't out of the woods yet. In fact our chance of miscarriage increases because they are twins, however...we are choosing to treat this pregnancy as if both babies will survive and in August we will be bringing home two babies. Lots of things can go wrong and it's scary, because I love these babies so much already...but I am choosing not to let the fear take control.

However, I am asking for prayers. Will you please pray (or even just send out some positive thoughts, if praying isn't your thing) for both of these babies to be ok? I know it's not the usual thing that one asks in a blog, but I know that these 2 babies and I could use all the moral support and help we can get. 


  1. Congrats! Yay for twins with healthy heart beats :) So exciting!!!

  2. Oh my gosh, that is AWESOME!!!!! Congratulations! (btw, this is Alyson from BBC)

    1. Thank you Alyson!! I'm still hoping that this is your month!
